Monday, July 29, 2013

Keep Calm and Ping Pong!

Ping Pang Pong!

We have a busy schedule to follow, but every day we also have some free time. And as there is a ping pong table on our campsite the local ping pong competition has been vivid. Many have a go and some people really know how to play ball.

A few days into the camp we set up a tournament called 'Keep Calm and Ping Pong. Almost everyone wanted to participate and the participants were divided into two brackets, the 'win' bracket and the 'fun' bracket.

Now, many forehands, backhands, topspins, backspins and smashes later nearly all the first round games have been played and the 'win' final will be played between Maarten and Thade. This sublime semi finale will be played soon and the whole camp will be watching. Who will win?? In the 'fun' bracket competition has also been fierce and the quarter finals will be played in a free time to come.

Sigjast Seinni and have a great day!

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